Herning2022 – World Championship

Merchandise for the world championshop


In the summer of 2022, the world championship in horse riding was to be held. And they had to use clothes, merchandise, a webshop to sell it on and a mascot and teddy bear.

We, ZO24, could help with this and more. We developed their very own private label clothing and merchandise.

  • Profileclothing

  • Merchandise

  • Webshop

  • Illustrations


We can definitely recommend ZO24 and I will be available for further information about ZO24 and their service.

ZO24 have a great approach to the tasks. They are always solution orientated and ready to help. They come with some great suggestions and the quality on the goods was just as they should be at delivery.

Creative, cost-conscious, professional og service-minded. As a customer, it is highly appreciated.

Charlotte Wetche

Head of Marketing – Herning2022


For a World Cup there must of course be a Mascot. We therefore had not one but two mascots designed and produced for Herning2022. The main mascot was named Henri because it was to held in Herning. Henri and his friend became a huge success.


Herning2022 also wanted to get Henri in a few teddy bear versions. We developed 3 sizes, a large, a medium and a small which also functions as a key ring.


A WC naturally requires a lot of merchandise and for this we were the perfect fit. See below all the various merchandise products we had developed.

Many of the products are made in an environmentally friendly way. Such as the notebook and the pen made of cork material.

Webshop, Warehouse & Customer service

In addition to selling their clothes and merchandise for the event, a webshop was also developed where the products could also be obtained. This webshop was developed and maintained by ZO24.

Web design

Custom designed shopify


Storage of their products

Customer Service

Handling of customers


Returns & refunds


Daily maintenance of the shop


Analyzes and reporting


Til marketing og andet ville Herning2022 også gerne have nogle illustrationer af Henri. Nedenfor er nogle eksempler af de illustrationer ZO24 fik tegnet.

B2B Webshop

A personalised webshop

B2B Webshop

A personolized webshop


Design your own teamwear

Hammershusvej 4  |  7400 Herning  |  CVR: DK-40928707  |  +45 5357 3357  |  info@zo24.dk